
Self-funded and with founders who’ve been in the database industry since 2001, we built our credibility around open-source database operations as a result of our values-driven approach in building products that deliver Wow! moments to our customers and the exceptional team that delivers them. Deploying multiple disparate clustering technologies can become a nightmare, with downloaded or home grown scripts combined to create a patchwork solution for monitoring and managing the database infrastructure. Severalnines is the single company out there giving users a choice of clustering solution, with tools to deploy and manage their databases from a single and consolidated interface. Severalnines tools are easy to use, and have already enabled over 12,000 deployments.

What is ClusterControl ?

ClusterControl is an all-inclusive database management system that offers comprehensive automation and monitoring capabilities for open-source databases, enabling you to simplify complex database tasks, optimize performance and ensure high availability. Our cutting edge feature includes

Automated Deployment – Seamlessly set up complex database clusters with just a few clicks, saving you time and effort during the initial set up process.

Intelligent Monitoring – Gain real-time insights into the health and performance of your databases, allowing you to proactively identify and address potential issues before they impact your business.

Performance Optimization – Ulilize powerful tools to fine-tune database performance and enhance overall efficiency , ensuring your applications run smoothly.

Security & Compliance – Implement robust security measures and maintain compliance standards effortlessly, safeguarding your sensitive data.

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