QTP/UFT from MicroFocus is primarily used for Functional, Regression and Service Testing. Using UFT, you can automate user actions on a web or client based computer application and test the same actions for different users, different data set, on various Windows Operating Systems or different browsers. Automation using UFT when executed can save considerable time and resource.


  • Record, Replay and Edit User Actions
  • Cross-Browser and Multi-Platform
  • Optimized Distributed Testing
  • Visual Test Flows (Canvas)
  • Multi-Testing Solution
  • Image-Based Object Recognition
  • Decreased Costs and shorter Time to Market
  • Increased Confidence
  • Greater Test Coverage


  • Broad Technology Support
  • Continuous Testing
  • 1-Click Manual to Automation
  • API and Web Services Testing
  • Mobile First
  • Keyword or Script-Based Testing
  • Designed for Collaboration


  • UFT provides real device testing on top mobile platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows), across top browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari), and a wide range of technologies.
  • UFT is engineered to facilitate distributed test execution of multiple tests simultaneously. This is core to the speed and execution of test automation for a testing center of excellence (TCoE).
  • API and GUI tests are displayed on a graphical canvas where testers can efficiently manage actions,change test order, run and debug tests, and manage parameters.
  • UFT's new execution engine allows you to run distributed tests on multiple machines, mobile devices, and servers (real and virtual) without the need for the full UFT license.
  • UFT can interact with objects in the sanme way, as user does by looking at the screen.