PGI Unified Binary technology simplifies cross-platform support by combining into a single executable file, code sequences optimized for multi-core x64 processor families from Intel and AMD and GPU accelerators from NVIDIA. The PGI Unified Binary delivers all the benefits of a single x64 platform while enabling you to leverage the latest hardware innovations.PGI compilers deliver world-class performance across a wide spectrum of applications and benchmarks. PGI is the compiler-of-choice among many popular performance-critical applications used in the fields of geophysical modeling, mechanical engineering, computational chemistry, weather forecasting, and high-energy physics. PGI compilers consistently rate among the highest performers on SPECfp2006, SPECint2006, SPECompM2001, and the NAS Parallel Benchmark.
PGI Workstation
PGI Workstation is PGI's single-user scientific and engineering compilers and tools product. PGI Workstation is available in three language versions:
- PGI Fortran Workstation - Fortran only
- PGI C/C++ Workstation - C and C++ only
- PGI Fortran/C/C++ Workstation - combined Fortran and C/C++
About PGI Accelerator Compilers
PGI offers separate products for x64+accelerator or x64 only platforms. "PGI Accelerator" products - the x64+accelerator platform products - include support for the directive-basedOpenACC programming model and from within the PGI Accelerator Fortran compiler, support forCUDA Fortran and from within the PGI Accelerator C/C++ compiler, support for CUDA-x86. PGI Accelerator compilers are supported on all Intel and AMD x64 processor-based systems running Linux, OS X or Windows.
PGI Accelerator compilers are included with all PGI 2010 or later download packages. Trial license keys or updated permanent license keys are required to enable the accelerator features. Contact PGI Sales for information on upgrading your current license to a PGI Accelerator license.
PGI Server
PGI Server is PGI's multi-user scientific and engineering compiler and tool bundle for multi-user systems and workgroups. PGI Server is available in three language versions:
- PGI Fortran Server - Fortran only
- PGI C/C++ Server - C and C++ only
- PGI Fortran/C/C++ Server - combined Fortran and C/C++
PGI Cluster Development Kit (CDK)
In combination with the Linux or Windows HPC Server 2008 operating systems, the PGI CDK Cluster Development Kit compilers and development tools enable use of networked clusters of AMD or Intel x64 processor-based workstations and servers to tackle the largest scientific computing applications. For Linux, the PGI CDK includes pre-configured versions of MPI for Ethernet and InfiniBand. On Windows HPC Server 2008, the PGI CDK integrates with MSMPI and the job scheduler to enable development, debugging and tuning of high-performance MPI or hybrid MPI/OpenMP applications written in Fortran, C or C++.
About PGI Accelerator Compilers
PGI offers separate products for x64+GPU and x64 only platforms. "PGI Accelerator" products - the x64+GPU platform products - include support for the directive-based PGI Accelerator programming model and from within the PGI Accelerator Fortran compiler, support for CUDA Fortran. PGI Accelerator compilers are supported on all Intel and AMD x64 processor-based systems with CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPUs running Linux, Mac OS X or Windows.
PGI Visual Fortran
PGI Visual Fortran (PVF) brings the PGI suite of high-performance 64-bit and 32-bit parallel Fortran compilers to Microsoft Windows developers using Microsoft Visual Studio.
About PVF Accelerator
PGI offers separate products for x64+GPU and x64 only platforms. PVF Accelerator-the x64+GPU platform product-includes support for the directive-based PGI Accelerator programming model and CUDA Fortran. PVF Accelerator is supported on all Intel and AMD x64 processor-based systems with CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPUs running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating systems.